Monday, January 31, 2005

which passport would you prefer, officer?

One of the downsides of having dual nationality is that you have to pay twice as much for your passports, but that is outweighed a million to one by the benefits! I am lucky enough to be in the position of having both Kiwi and Dutch passports - two of the least offensive countries in the world. This allows me access to so many places, and also allows me the freedom to work in the EU whenever and for however long I wish. I can't thank my parents enough for doing that for me (and my brother).

My Dutch passport is now up for renewal, and I need to jump trough a few hoops, like learning to read Dutch ASAP! Yes, the application form is all in Dutch, and I think I can figure it out enough myself. I will need to get more passport photos (cringe). Actually, the old passport photo wasn't too bad, and I noticed with interest that it was taken the last time I had long hair. So I have indeed come full circle.

Friday, January 28, 2005

you can rationalise anything

I feel as though I should explain my reasons for resurrecting my OE plans.

When I left the last time (late 2000) I was following my girlfriend on her OE. I don’t think I was ready in any sense to take such a step. I was not mature enough, and I hadn’t even finished university. I arrived in London to an already set up flat in a nice, quiet, leafy suburb with two Kiwis I already knew. I didn’t really meet anyone new nor did I do anything that I wouldn’t do at home. It turned out that most of my OE was spent working, and I saw precious little of the place I was living, let alone other cities or countries. I was afraid of venturing outside the insular cocoon of familiarity that I had built around myself. I was constantly looking for an excuse to come home, and the triple blow of the September 11 attacks, my grandfather becoming ill, and girlfriend returning to NZ was more than I needed. I turned tail and fled back to NZ. That said, I don’t regret a second of that trip, as I had some of the best times of my life, and saw some of the most amazing things with the best people.

Why now? I have realised that there will be no better time than now. If I don’t start living my life, instead of just treading water, I will never get a chance. Right now I have no attachments; my girlfriend of nine years and I have split up, I am finally going to graduate, and although interesting at times, my job is not inspiring me. Now that I am older, I feel that I am far better equipped to handle the full OE. It is time to step outside my comfort zone and challenge myself. The last time I had things handed to me, whereas this time I am going to take them for myself. It is also a way of proving my own value to myself - proving that I can stand alone and succeed. That is an aspect of the OE that I haven’t considered before. It is actually a rite of passage, a statement that you can make on your own. I am also desperate to see the things I missed the last time: Spain, France outside Paris, England outside London, Germany, Holland, Greece, Austria, America, the list goes on and on…

Although it looks, on the surface, like I’m running away; when you really get down to it, that’s exactly what I’m doing! Responsibility be damned!

Saturday, January 22, 2005

how to sort out your life in one easy step

If you feel like you've got too much stuff in your life - you know; physical, tangible stuff that bogs you down, clutter, that sort of thing - I highly recommend going on an extended overseas trip, or at least planning to. That will force you to question what is really important. I have been sorting out all the crap I have accumulated over the years (man, there's a lot of it!) and trying to get rid of most of it. It's a really hard job if you're a compulsive hoarder like me, but planning the OE has really put things into perspective. If I hesitate for even a moment over whether I'll use it, it gets chucked. I want to travel light and most importantly, I don't want to have to burden my folks with storing all sorts of unnecessary junk. I'm currently selling stuff on Trademe, but it's early days yet. Time will tell.

One thing I have yet to decide is whether to take a laptop with me. It seems almost essential when I think that I have a digital camera and Ipod to deal with. But how do you keep all that expensive gear safe when you're backpacking? I guess you take it everywhere with you. Thankfully a friend gave me a Sony laptop which is very small and light, but it's a little old and slow (it's only running Win98). On the plus side, it has Firewire and a memory stick reader built in.

Friday, January 14, 2005

plans are afoot...

It's only been three years since I came home, and already the call of the OE is almost irresistable once again.

Thus it begins...

Last time I went away, the timing was bad. I came home too early, without taking advantage of the opportunities laid out before me in London, let alone the rest of Europe. This time there will be no such mistakes, the timing is about as good as it is going to get. No attachments, nothing holding me back. So my plan is to leave at the end of May 2005 for San Francisco, where I will stay with Mark for perhaps ten days. Then I'll join up with Chris who is flying over from China. We'll spend about 3 weeks travelling America, then I'll take off to England, while he moves on to mainland Europe. EU passport at the ready.

I am excited at the prospect of going back to Europe on my own, and a little apprehensive. I think that I am much better equipped for it this time. Hopefully in the course of the coming 19 weeks, I will become even better prepared! 19 weeks seems such a long time to wait, and yet such a short time to organise everything.

On a whim, I have just enrolled in a couple of night courses at the performing arts school. We will see where that takes me, but I doubt it will alter my travel plans. Both courses finish in March, so won't clash at all.